World Class Faculty


With more than 170 distinguished international faculty from over 20 regions, offering broad industry experience and seasoned business insights, our NUS Business School faculty are committed to providing you with an enriching and stimulating business education.

SING Tien Foo

Academic Director
PhD, University of Cambridge

Tien Foo is a Professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He is currently the President of the Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES) (2019-Present), and has been a board member of AsRES and the Global Chinese Real Estate Congress (GCREC), since 2000 and 2008, respectively. He is the editor of the International Real Estate Review (IRER). His research interests include real options, real estate finance and securitisation, REITs, and housing price dynamics.


PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Sky’s expertise is in real estate finance and urban economics. Sky’s research interests expand from examining racial differences in housing markets, and social capital investment to studying institutional investment in real estate. She is an award-winning educator, whose works are published in Regional Science and Urban Economics, Economics Letters, Urban Studies, and Real Estate Economics.

LEE Kwan Ok

PhD, University of Southern California

Kwan Ok is an Associate Professor of Urban Planning, Deputy Head of Department, and Dean’s Chair in the Department of Real Estate. She won the NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award for 2016/2017 and multiple School Teaching Excellence Awards. Kwan Ok’s research interests include housing markets, urban policy analysis, household residential choice, and neighbourhood dynamics. She has served as an academic expert for the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, and the Office of Policy Development and Research of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.


PhD, Goethe University

ONG Seow Eng

PhD, Indiana University


PhD, Cornell University